Yearly Archives: 2015

Born in Perthshire

Our friends at Tippermuir Books have made another of their popular titles available to Made in Perth for free download. Born in Perthshire comprises a series of short essays on well-known figures born within the historical county of Perthshire. Each topical and biographical piece includes an original associated illustration. The book also includes separate […]

Perth Typographical Society

Perth Typographical Society PTS (a printing union whose lineage can be traced back to the General Typographical Association of Scotland (established in 1836 (the Perth branch of which was formed c1837); amalgamated with the National Typographical Association in 1844; collapsed in early 1848) maintained a branch in Perth from 1 […]

Miscellaneous Trade Union and Labour Documents

Perth & Kinross Council Archive 1. Labour Party (Perth) 1937-c1939: miscellaneous Labour Party and related publications. 912 J. Guild (Jun.) Secretary 3 North Methven Street. Includes copy of Perth Herald published by Perth Trades and Industrial Council Issue No. 1 autumn, 1936. E.T.U. publication: What E.T.U. Members think of NCLC […]

Electrical Trades Union – Perth Branch

Electrical Trades Union – Perth Branch  1937-c.1939: papers mainly concerning appeals on behalf of members. 906 ETU established 1889. 1937-c1939: papers – includes copy minutes of Scottish District Joint Industrial Council, no. 13 area (Electricity supply industry); copy of working rules recommended for acceptance between E.CA. of S. and E.T.U.; […]

Amalgamated Society of Dyers, Bleachers, Finishers and Kindred Trades – Perth Branch

Amalgamated Society of Dyers, Bleachers, Finishers and Kindred Trades – Perth Branch 1927-29: (documents): minute book. 900. Perth Museum. From 28 April 1927 until 19 June 1929. Committee met at Trades Club. Issue of piecework pay (young girls) at Messrs Pullar & Sons. John Brough President, Miss J. C. Taylor […]

Scottish National Operative Plasterers’ Federal Union Perth

Scottish National Operative Plasterers’ Federal Union – Perth 1914-1920 (documents): notices, working rules. 898. Perth Museum. 7 August 1920 mounted rules on board. Subscription Book 1916-1926  898. Perth Museum. January 15 1916 20 names in book; 14 in July 1916; 26 in January 1920; 30 in April 1923; 36 in […]

Amalgamated Society of Engineers (c1853-1920) – Amalgamated Engineering Union (1920+)

Amalgamated Society of Engineers (c1853-1920) – Amalgamated Engineering Union (AEU)  Perth branch – founded c1853 -, records 1860-1965. Includes: minutes, 1860-1957; Member‘s Registration Cash Books, 1853-1947; Proposition and Entrance Books, 1863-1893, 1903-1942; Cash and Receipt Books, 1952-1960, 1964-65; Check Book, 1949-1955. 0.34 metres. MS42. The ASE formed in 1851. 1920 ASE mergers […]