
John Maclean ~ Revolutionary & Educator

John Maclean, Clydeside socialist, democrat, educator and trade unionist served six terms of imprisonment between 1916 and 1923 for the offences of sedition and incitement to strike. These convictions all related to his efforts to oppose the First World War and to organise the labour movement on the Clyde. His […]

Robert Cunninghame-Graham ~

Robert Cunninghame-Graham (1852-1936) – Born in London, Don Roberto, as he was known, was a Liberal MP and prolific writer and a founder with Keir Hardie of the Scottish Labour Party. He is buried at Inchmahome (NN 574005) in Perthshire. Robert Bontine, the son of Major William Bontine of the Scots […]

James Connolly ~ Socialist, Revolutionary, Trade Unionist, and Republican

James Connolly was born at 107 Cowgate in Edinburgh (an area known commonly as Little Ireland) on June 5 1868 and went on to become the General Secretary of the Irish Transport & General Workers Union (IT&GWU), one of the seven signatories to the 1916 Proclamation of Irish Independence, and […]

Helen Crawfurd ~ Political Activist, Suffragette and Red Cydesider

Helen Crawfurd (1877-1954) was born Helen Jack on 9 September 1877. Her family moved to Ipswich when she was quite young and it was in England that she was educated. At the age of 17 Helen Crawfurd returned to Glasgow with her family. Coming from an intensely religious family (her […]

Annie Erskine Robinson ~ Suffragist, Socialist and Pacifist

Annie Erskine Robinson – Suffragist, Socialist and Pacifist was born 8 June 1874 in Montrose. Her father was a down at heel laird’s son and her mother a schoolteacher. Early life was economically hard for Annie Erskine. However, despite hardship she enrolled as a trainee teacher in Edinburgh and achieved […]