This journalist and songwriter was born in Perth in the year 1814. During the American Civil War, Charles MacKay was appointed the New York correspondent for The Times (1862-65). Prior to this he had edited the Glasgow Argus (1844-47) and the Illustrated London News (1848-59). His more famous songs are:
There’s a Good Time Coming
Cheer, Boys, Cheer
As a writer he produced a number of books:
Popular Delusions (1841)
Forty Years’ Recollections (1877)
Charles MacKay had two children:
Marie Corelli (1855-1924) a novelist born in England – A Romance of Two Worlds (1886); Thelma (1887); Wormwood (1891); The Soul of Lilith (1892); Barabbas (1893); The Sorrows of Satan (1895); The Mighty Atom (1896); and, God’s Good Man (1904).
Eric MacKay (1851-1898) who was a minor poet.