In Perth High Court on 2 June 1942, the case was heard against Charles Robinson White, age 21. He was charged with the culpable homicide of Aircraftman 1st Class William Blair Morrison RAFVR (1104142), age 29. The incident happened at RAF Dunino in Fife, at 9.30 am on 11 May 1941. White presented a loaded rifle at Morrison and culpably and recklessly discharged it, shooting him in the head whereby he died immediately.
In the defence of White, a special defence of insanity was tendered. The view was put forward that White was suffering from schizophrenia or split mind.
From the Perthshire Advertiser, 3 June 1942:
Dr. W. D. Chambers, medical superintendent of Murray Royal hospital, Perth told the court that when he first examined White, the prisoner told him he was “controlled” and did not know what came over him. At a later interview he said he had been worried about his Morse Code training and volunteered a statement that he had heard voices in his head, one of them saying, “why don’t you kill that man?”. Dr. Chambers then revealed that when he first saw White in hospital, the accused was suffering from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in the chest. Dr. Chambers said he was told that after shooting
Morrison, the accused fired at another man but missed him. White informed him that he escaped from Guernsey in a coal boat during the German occupation, and that his parent’s were still there. Before leaving he had a breakdown, and tried to commit suicide by gas.
White was ordered by Lord Moncrieff to be detained in prison during at His Majesty’s pleasure. The proceeding was concluded within an hour.
Morrison was the son of David Lyall and Agnes Morrison, Perth, the husband of Mary Morrison of Perth. He is buried in Wellshill Cemetery, Perth.