Leading Aircraftwoman Ethel Cassidy 896633 WAAF (Women’s Auxiliary Air Force) was tragically killed whilst walking with another Aircraftwoman along a road shortly before 11 pm on Saturday 28 March 1942.
The Cornishman newspaper of 2 April 1942 reported the following:
Girl Dies Following Car Accident
A tragedy occurred outside Redruth on Saturday night, when 20-year-old W.A.A.F. Ethel Cassidy, was knocked down by a passing car and killed. She was taken into a nearby house, where she received medical attention. Later she was removed to the Miners’ and General Hospital at Redruth, where she died in the early hours on Sunday Morning. She was a native of Perth.
Ethel was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Cassidy of 17 Cutlog Vennel, Perth. Frank Cassidy was the Janitor at St John’s RC School, which Ethel had attended. Ethel Cassidy had been in the service for 18 months and was the first servicewoman from Perth to die in active service in the Second World War. She was previously employed in Brydson & Co, Drapers, St John Street, Perth. She is buried in Wellshill Cemetery, Perth.
Ethel Cassidy, Perthshire Advertiser 01 April 1942